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Michael Tankovich
Asst. Athletic Trainer for Seattle Seahawks

“I’ve changed my thinking on movement. It used to be very structured [with] movement time and workout time… Now I see opportunities for play and movement in everyday life. It’s definitely made me a lot happier. It’s exciting and fun to see something cool and go try it. I think that’s one of the neatest things, rediscovering that passion for movement. It definitely opened up my eyes and was something I wanted to try and do to move more like a human.”

Justin Sweeney
Winner of the West Coast Parkour Championship

I began my parkour experience under Rafe’s coaching as a novice, and now even as an advanced traceur, he continues to inspire and encourage my growth as an athlete. Without a doubt, my steady progression towards the athlete I am today has been accelerated thanks to Rafe. Even my current coaching style has rooted from the days when Rafe was my mentor. He and I both share an interest in the biomechanics behind what gives movement it’s quality – his curiosity and diligence on studying the matter in a methodical way has inspired me to develop a similar, in-depth approach to my own coaching.”

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Brain Unger Started with no athletic history whatsoever!

  • Total payment
  • 1xReturn To Movement$27

All prices in USD

This Workshop Is Perfect For You If...

You’ve been looking for a better alternative to conventional fitness programs.

You’re looking to get back in shape after a bout of little or no exercise

You're an athlete ready to introduce more variety into your movement regimen

You’re a fitness professional looking for a new and fun movement option for your clients

You want to develop genuine strength, mobility, balance and coordination

You lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend long hours in front of your computer but want to change

You want to injury-proof your body and recover faster from the aches and pains

You crave exciting and mentally stimulating practices

You want to beat stress and fatigue naturally and amp up your energy
